
Custom Spell-Work

This experience starts with a 20 minute consultation so Sabrina can get a better understanding of what your spiritual needs are and to help provide the spell-work that is personally crafted for you. Sabrina is then able to perform the spell the following week either with you there or alone and give you the results of the spell (ie jar, oil etc). 

Examples of spell-work:

  • Spell Jar
  • Spell Oil
  • Manifestation Spellwork 
  • Abundance Spells
  • Self-Love magic 
  • Attraction spellwork (to bring in healthy relationships)
  • Custom Crystal Grids
  • Custom Sigils


Sabrina has the right to decline any custom request that doesn’t align with her values. No hexes (not including reversals), baneful magic, spells that involve others' free will (love spell toward a specific person), or specific inquiries about another person without their consent. Thank you for your understanding.


Practitioner: Sabrina - Modern Day Witch & Healer

$20 consult for 20 mins, if you decide to have Sabrina create a spell for you, the $20 can go towards the cost of the Spell-Work CLICK HERE TO BOOK

Custom Spell-Work is $150 CLICK HERE TO BOOK