
The Divine Mine

African Jade - Buddstone tumbled

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The Divine Mine

African Jade - Buddstone tumbled

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Nephrite jade is one of two different mineral species called jade. The other, jadeite which is much rarer may contain a wider variety of hues. Nephrite jade is mainly composed of grays and greens and occasionally yellows, whites and browns. Nephrite also has a number of other synonyms and varieties that often refer to the location it comes from including: BC jade, Canadian jade, Lushan jade, beilstein, kidney stone, lapis nephriticus, nephrit and spinach jade.

Jade is a stone with a long history. Ancient Chinese symbolized it with courage, wisdom, justice and mercy. The soothing green colour of jade makes it a wonderful healing stone, which increases fertility and longevity. It is an emotional balancer that gives the feeling of peace, steadiness and nurturing.