Reiki 60 minute – The Divine Mine

The Divine Mine

Reiki 60 minute

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The Divine Mine

Reiki 60 minute

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What it Reiki? 

Reiki is a Japanese word, "Rei" meaning Universe, and "Ki" meaning Energy. 

Reiki is an ancient form of hands-on energy healing that was rediscovered in the nineteenth century by Dr. Mikao Usui - Hence the name "Usui method of Natural Healing". 

Everybody and everything exists of energy. This energy flows through us, surrounds us and nourishes us; it is the reason why we are able to live. 

As we go through life, we may develop blocks that prevent us from the energy flowing through us in an optimum way. If this goes on for a long period of time, we may become emotionally drained or even physically ill. We may experience symptoms like fatigue and depression; our energy becomes imbalanced. 

What does Reiki do? 

  • Promotes natural self-healing 
  • Balances the energies in the body 
  • Releases blocks and suppressed feelings 
  • Treats symptoms as well as causes of disease 
  • Strengthens immune system 
  • Balances organs and glands, and their bodily functions 
  • Clears toxins 
  • Relieves pain 
  • Enhances personal awareness and promotes spiritual 

Each healing experience is unique to the individual. After an energy healing treatment, most people report a sense of calm and peace. Other responses include:

  • Reduced physical pain
  • Increased vitality
  • Balancing of the emotions
  • Increased mental clarity
  • Greater inner awareness and connectedness growth

The Five Principles of Reiki 

They offer a simple guideline for daily conduct with others and self. They are:

  • Just for today, I will not anger 
  • Just for today, I will not worry 
  • Just for today, I will be grateful 
  • Just for today, I will work hard on myself 
  • Just for today, I will be kind to others 

What to Expect During a Treatment 

The client, fully clothed, lies on the treatment table. The practitioner's hands remain in a stationary position, gently on or slightly above the body through several positions from head to toe. Some practitioners do not use the prescribed hand positions, preferring to use a more intuitive approach. The private areas are worked on 4-6” above the body. There is no manipulation of the skin or tissue. Reiki is not massage.

Many individuals report feeling cold, pulsating heat, or a tingling sensation during a session, and most enter a calm, relaxed state. In some, chronic or acute pain can diminish or completely vanish. Sometimes allergies and other infirmities completely disappear. It's different for each person.

It's important to remember that, whatever is troubling us, 'we didn't get this way overnight’ and we won't 'recover overnight’, either. Reiki is not any more magical than any other modality or allopathic medicine. Healing takes commitment and it takes time... one moment at a time.

What to Expect After a Treatment 

Each healing experience is unique to the individual. After an energy healing treatment, most people report a sense of calm and peace. Other responses include:

  • Reduced physical pain
  • Increased vitality
  • Balancing of the emotions
  • Increased mental clarity
  • Greater inner awareness and connectedness

How is Reiki a Holistic Approach to My Well Being? 

It is strongly recommended that you do not discontinue any medications or session plan your medical practitioner or other holistic healer has deemed necessary, unless you first speak with them personally. Reiki energy works in concert with all other forms of therapy. It is a wonderful complement to other treatments. We can all work together to get you feeling healthier, happier and more whole. This is the holistic approach. 

The Reiki energy goes to exactly where it is needed so a Reiki Practitioner never needs to diagnose nor prescribe – nor does ethics or law allow them to.

30 minute Reiki ...................................................................... $50
45 minute Reiki ...................................................................... $70
60 minute Reiki on sound table ............................................. $115


Hannah Luft - Reflexologist, Acupressure Therapist & Reiki Master
Renee Krizsan - Angel Reader, Reiki Master
Sabrina - Modern Day Witch & Healer

*We ask that you please read our disclaimer before booking a session.