
The Divine Mine

Mortar & Pestle Pentacle

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The Divine Mine

Mortar & Pestle Pentacle

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Mortar & Pestle is a very precious tool for crushing and grounding either food, herbs, or seeds and other varieties of herbal and mystical medicine. It is recommended to not use the same mortar and pestle for edible and non edible mixtures. Made out of soapstone, a natural substance that may vary in color.

The pentacle is a symbol of protection. Most religions on Earth attributes special powers to number 5, which represents the human body; 5 senses, 5 elements, 5 pillars etc. There are also 5 virtues; Love, Wisdom, Truth, Kindness, Justice. It is in the efforts that we make to manifest these 5 virtues that the Divine protection usually attributed to the pentacle becomes effective. Long ago, it was considered by Pythagoreans as a symbol of beauty and harmony.