
The Divine Mine

Mortar & Pestle Pentacle Moon

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The Divine Mine

Mortar & Pestle Pentacle Moon

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A Mortar and Pestle is a very precious tool used for crushing and grounding food, herbs, seeds and other varieties of herbal and mystical medicines. It is recommended to not use the same mortar and pestle for edible and non edible mixtures. Each set is made from soapstone that has been hand carved, painted and polished. The ancient practice of soapstone carving dates back more than 3000 years. Soapstone or steatite is a natural material. The interior of the mortar and the pestle have not been dyed.

The Triple Moon Symbol is a popular pagan and Wiccan symbol used to represent the Goddess. It shows different portions of the lunar cycle, with the moon in three phases – waxing, full and waning.

The waxing moon stands for the Maiden and symbolizes purity, youth, new life, beginnings, rejuvenation, excitement, enchantment, and expansion. The full moon represents the Mother and represents fulfillment, fertility, ripeness, potency, compassion, giving, caring, nurturing, protection and power. The waxing moon represents the Crone and stands for repose, maturity, wisdom, experience, knowledge, understanding, completion, death and rebirth. In its entirety, the symbol is believed to signify the eternal cycle of birth, life, and rebirth.